Jonathan Cole is a libertarian political philosopher, Liberty Itch contributor and host of the Political Animals podcast. In this episode, I ask Jonathan to provide an overview of the various ‘flavours’ of libertarian theory and how they might apply in Australia.
You can follow Jonathan on Substack, YouTube and X.
0.54 What is libertarianism?
2.41 What are the denominations?
9.38 What are the ideas of how to get to libertarianism?
14.33 Libertarians fighting with both hands tied
16.38 Is a collapse of socialism necessary?
20.48 What is the sales pitch for libertarianism?
24.04 Dealing with government
29.29 Monopolies via regulation
32.11 Government corrupt regulatory process
40.18 No logical limit to state interference
41.45 Covid rant
47.19 Road rules rant
1.00.50 Unintended consequences of free health care
1.06.24 Robbing Elon Musk
1.12.30 Statism historically baked into Australian culture
1.16.20 Effect of Australia’s colonialism
1.22.13 The inherent contradiction of choice in forming a party
1.27.45 First steps to libertarianism
1.33.46 Anarcho capitalism theory vs reality
1:41.23 Does no-state libertarianism end up with a state anyway?
1.44.47 Helicopter parenting
1.45.58 Regulation rant
1.50.10 NDIS rant
1.54.08 Socialists misunderstanding incentives
1.55.48 Political philosophy and human nature
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