The Enhanced Games
Australian Olympic medalist swimmer, James Magnussen, is making news headlines again. He has publicly announced that he plans to “dope [himself] to the eyeballs” to break a swimming world record, and win $1million. The competition’s officials are giving him their full support.
James is the first high-profile athlete to officially join the proposed ‘Enhanced Games’; an international, multi-sport event with grand plans of competing against the Olympic games for eyeballs, athletes and dollars. The brainchild of another Australian, Aron D’Souza, the Enhanced Games headline point of differentiation is the eschewing of the artificial, arbitrary, performance-limiting, political interference of drug testing.
The Enhanced Games could also be called the Libertarian Games. Athletes are free to do whatever they want to achieve the maximum of their athletic potential, so long as it does not harm anyone else.
Most of the efforts of drug testing agencies is brutal harassment of
intermediate level amateur athletes for irrelevant test result technicalities
Predictably, conservatives and liberals alike are screaming bloody murder at the prospects of athletes being free to choose for themselves what they want to do with their bodies to achieve what is important to them. The powerful bureaucracies engaged in sports drug-testing are also enraged.
Their first reflexive argument against the Enhanced Games is that the use of performance enhancing drugs is cheating. Cheating, by definition, means violating the rules. The Enhanced Games have no rules disallowing the use of drugs, so doping cannot be cheating.
Another argument is that it is not fair. In the Enhanced Games, all competitors will have the same access to every technology to maximise their performance; from special suits made of high tech materials to pharmaceutical products, expert advice and monitoring. The democratisation of enhancement technology means no athlete has an unfair advantage; it simply raises the overall level of competition. For an athlete to win in the Enhanced Games, the only exploitable advantages available will be God-given talent and hard work.
By contrast, drug tested sport is grossly unfair as a direct result of the drug testing. Drug testing is a political tool used to control who represents sports. Talented athletes deemed to be undesirable representatives of a sport typically face unusually frequent, surprise drug testing, and unusually frustrating accusations of procedural improprieties. Meanwhile, top athletes with the necessary political and/or financial connections are minimally tested, given warning when they will be, have access to technologies to pass tests despite using drugs, and even enjoy mysterious disappearances of positive tests.
The tests themselves are grossly ineffective. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) itself acknowledges that 44% of ostensibly “clean”, WADA-compliant Olympic athletes admit to using banned substances. In other tested sports, such as cycling, the drug use is even more widespread. The Lance Armstrong scandal highlighted how farcical and hopeless the situation is. Armstrong was doping for years, yet never failed a test. But so too were all of his competitors.
Athletes are free to do whatever they want to achieve the maximum of their athletic potential, so long as it does not harm anyone else.
Most of the efforts of drug testing agencies is brutal harassment of intermediate level amateur athletes for irrelevant test result technicalities, such as testing positive for irrelevant baking ingredients (glycerol) or non-performance-enhancing nutritional supplements.
The infamous 1988 Seoul Olympics continues to be a case study in the true corruption and politicisation of the modern anti-doping movement. Approximately 400 positive drug tests reportedly came out of the testing laboratory for the Seoul Olympics. The positive tests were passed to the Olympic bureaucracy, where they seemingly disappeared. Only 10 athletes were announced to have failed tests.
The inarticulate and undiplomatic Canadian sprinter, Ben Johnson, was the most high-profile of the failed drug tests. He won the premier Olympic event, the 100-meter sprint, and set a new world record. In second place was the handsome, intelligent, articulate, all-American, hero sprinter, Carl Lewis. Johnson failed the drug test under suspicious circumstances, and his gold medal was given to Lewis. The media then proceeded to paint Johnson as the embodiment of a dirty, rotten, drug cheat. Lewis was heralded as the stunning and brave hero of all that is good and moral, despite some questionable irregularities in some of his own tests. Johnson’s career and reputation was ruined, even though his record remained in the record books.
The anti-doping movement has completely failed to stem the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport. If it has achieved anything, it has made sport less fair, less honest and less safe. Like the War on Terror and the Covid sham, the war on drugs in sport was based on lies, and has become a completely corrupt boondoggle for a handful of dishonest technocrats. It now only harms the people it ostensibly exists to protect.
It is time to throw drug testing into the dustbin of history. An Australian has come up with a solution and another Australian is the first to jump aboard. All libertarians should get behind the Enhanced Games.